
1998 Annual Meeting Wrapup
The seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Dermatology
was, once again, a great success. The meeting was not only
informative but fun. But then how can you be in Reno and not have
some fun.
Presentations were made on a number of topics all of which were
well worth the time and effort to attend. If you weren't there you
missed another unique experience which is not rivaled by any other
organization. The meeting provided our members with the most
up-to-date useable information to help each of us maintain excellence
in caring for our patients. Practical information was also featured
on how each of us can effectively influence how our legislators vote
on critical bills. "The most important thing you can do as a
physician is never give up" says Kentucky Senator Richard Reoding.
He adds, "stay in contact with your legislators...don't let them
forget who you are and who you represent."
Twila Brase, R.N. and President of Citizens for Choice in Health
Care, a Minnesota based health care policy organization spoke on the
fact that managed care systems have put patients and primary care
physicians in adversarial roles. "Patients may not even know the
care they receive is substandard" says Brase.
Sincere thanks to our speakers and to the pharmaceutical
companies who contributed to this year's Annual Meeting.
The American Society of Dermatology will continue to provide
the most topical and informative Annual Meeting programs possible.
Audio and video tapes are now available and be sure and view the
pictures of the annual meeting.
Speakers . . .
Michael Smith, MD, Professor of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN: "Diagnosis and Management of Ichthyosiform Disease in Infancy and Childhood."
John A. Marascalco, MD, Grenada, MS: "My Medicare Carrier Says I Shouldn't Treat That Cancer."
Wolfgang Weyers, MD, Germany: "The Background Events Which Made German Medicine Susceptible to Takeover" and "The Destruction of German Dermatology by the Nazis."
Richard Odom, MD, Past President, AAD: "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tips For Your Practice" and "Outlook For Our Specialty."
Fr. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute, Grand Rapids, MI: "Ethical Issues in Today's Practice Climate."
Richard Roeding, RPh, Caucus Chair, Kentucky Senate: "How Practicing Physicians Can Influence Legislation and the Impact of Third Parties on Prescribing Habits."
Diya Mutasim, MD, Professor of Dermatology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: "Serologic Footprints of Auto-Immune Disease."
Twila Brase, RN, President, Citizens Council on Health Care: "Minnesota's Single Payer Experience: It's Effect on Physicians and Impact on Patient Confidentiality."
Edward R. Annis, MD, Past President, AMA: "The New Credentialing Body and How It Will Affect You."
Balint Vazsonyi, PhD, President, Institute for the American Founding: "Renewal of Medical Professionalism."
Pharmaceutical Companies . . .
Dermik Laboratories, Inc.
ESC Medical Systems
Galderma Laboratories, Inc.
HGM Medical Laser Systems
Janssen Pharmaceutical
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Person & Covey, Inc.
Stiefel Foundation
Supergen, Inc.
Topix Pharmaceuticals
Comments made by the attendees were:
"Excellent mix of clinical information and politics."
"Superb program. A program that would be valuable to all physicians."
"Some excellent and inspiring speakers, along with practical clinical pearls."
"The variety of topics and the fact there was plenty of time for questions was especially appreciated."
"The presentations were subjects not ordinarily addressed in other meetings I've attended."
"Great subjects and speakers; very organized, and a great location! Top notch program."
As excellent as the Seventh Annual Meeting was, planning has
already started for next year's meeting. Mark your calendars now
for October 1-3, 1999 and join us for the American Society of
Dermatology's Eighth Annual Meeting. Watch for your copy of the next FrontLine or check back here
for the location. Hope to see you there!
