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American Society of Dermatology, Inc.
A Voice for Private Dermatologists Since 1992
Testimony in support of direct access by Dr. Brodell
Testimony May 23, 1995 before the Ohio State Senate
Financial Institutions, Insurance, and Commerce
Committee was designed to deal with many of the issues
raised by our opponents.
It is a great pleasure for me to testify on behalf of
dermatologists in the State of Ohio and my patients in
support of Senate Bill 153. I am motivated by what I
know is best for my patients.
In my testimony today I would like to outline why
dermtology is at special risk in the setting of
"managed care" and detail the data which supports the
cost effectiveness of dermatology as a direct access
specialty. I will also review why many of my primary
care colleagues support our effort, and finally review
some of the arguments made by the managed care
organizations which oppose this bill.
Dermatology Patients Are At Special Risk in the Setting
of Managed Care
Patients with non-life threatening dermatology problems
are often viewed as having insignificant diseases when
compared to patients with internal organ system
problems. The primary care physician who is being paid
a bonus for not making referrals to specialists often
feels quite comfortable managing a skin problem even if
he does not understand its complexity. Other
physicians under threat of "deselection" if they
order too many tests or make too many referrals feel
compelled to be an insurance company advocate rather
than a patient advocate. Topical medications can be
used that are safer than many internal medicines, but
if not chosen wisely, may do little good. Of course,
patients can always visit the dermatologist outside the
managed care plan and pay for these services
themselves, but they often do not have the knowledge of
diagnoses and alternative therapists to take this step
when advised against it by their primary care
Dermatologist Provide Patients with High Quality Cost-
Effective Skin Care
1. Common sense would suggest that a physician with a
minimum of three years extra training in Dermatology
would have a broader knowledge base when compared to
the primary care physician
2. Numerous peer reviewed scientific studies show that
dermatologists score far higher on a variety of
tests concerning diagnostic and treatment skills,
even when considering only the mpost common skin
3. Dermatologists can treat skin disease most cost
effectively. (See Appendix 2)
4. Because skin disease is visible on the outside of
the body, patients know when they have a skin
problem. Neither a nurse gatekeeper, nor a physician
gatekeeper is required in the setting of the vast
majority of skin problems.
Direct Access to Dermatology Can Make the Primary Care
Physician More Effective
1. Dermatologists with direct access to patients can
help take the pressure off a system of health care
where more and more patients are being required to
see far too few primary care physicians. Many busy
primary care doctors are glad to have more time to
spend with patients with other problems that require
a generalists skill in diagnosis, treatment, and
2. Many primary care physicians support the concept of
patient choice as it relates to choice among primary
care physicians and other physician services. It is
frustrating for the generalists to deal with a
patient who has been forced to come to his clinic
for a skin problem when the demand for a referral to
the dermatologist is the basis for the visit.
A Review of Misinformation from our Opponents
1. "Dermatologists are more expensive." This is
untrue. The CPT code book that defines the nature of
services provided is used by all physicians.
Dermatologists are paid the same amount for a given
service as a generalist physician.
2. "If this bill passes, all specialties will demand
direct access." This is simply not true. The
cardiovascular surgeon, cardiologist, pulmonologist,
and many other specialties have no desire to see
patients without a referral. The vast majority of
their patients have complicated internal problems
which are referred by primary doctors after they
have been evalusted to make optimal use of our
health care system. The patient with chest pains can
not know if the problem is related to his stomach,
heart, lungs, etc. without the aid of his primary
care doctor. The patient with a rash knows he can
get the most expert help from his dermatologist. If
Ophthalmologists, Orthopedists, and others can
support their cost effectiveness when compared to
the generalist physician, then direct access might
be appropriate for these specialties. The entire
managed care system will not break down if selected
specialties are given direct access to patients that
demand their services.
3. "Only the Primary Care Physician can Coordinate
Care." Not true. For the patient with psoriasis who
requires the long term care of a dermatologists, the
dermatologist often will coordinate care with other
physicians when this is required. We have attended
medical school and all dermatologists have one or
more years of generalist training.
4. "The Insurance Company knows better what is in the
best interest of the patient...not the patient
himself or his family." None of my patients believe
5. "This bill changes everything." Wrong. In 1995
most patients seen in the dermatologists office are
self referred. Only 10% are referred by primary care
physicians. If managed care suceeds in controlling
the entire insurance marketplace in the next five
years, and if direct access to dermatology is not
permitted...then everything will change. The current
system of providing dermatologic care to the
citizens of Ohio is not broken. It should not be
"fixed" by a system which will deny access to the
care my patients are currently demanding as
demonstrated by their decision to visit my office.
6. "Dermatology care is not "real" medicine and
anyone can do it." I discover dermatologic clues to
internal disease on a daily basis. I provide relief
from illness. I believe in the Hippocratic Oath. My
training has been rigorous and I am proud of my
specialty. Because of my interest in education, I
have spent about 20% of my time teaching primary
care physicians over the past ten years. The body of
knowledge dermatologists have mastered is not easily
taught in a few lectures during residency or in a
two week elective. I have great respect for my
generalist colleagues and the difficult job they
perform. I have earned the same respect for the job
I perform.
7. "Dermatologists support of this bill is only to
maintain their income." Wrong. If managed care
succeeds and capitation of services becomes the
norm, the path to financial success is to keep
patients out of your office, not to allow them free
access. I will sacrifice financial gain in this new
system to continue providing the best and most up-
to-date services to patients with skin disease who
wish to visit me.
8. "Dermatologists who are not permitted to see
dermatology patients can be easily retrained to
become generalist physicians and help with extreme
need for primary care physicians." This is
insulting to the primary care physician! The body of
knowledge they are required to maintain is just as
difficult to master as the body of knowledge I have
In summary, SB 153 will allow the patient a choice to
see either their primary care physician or a
dermatologist for their skin problems in a managed care
plan. My patients in the past have always had this
choice. They wish to maintain that right as managed
care systems evolve in the State of Ohio.
Cassileth BR, Clark WH. Lusk EJ, et al. How well do
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lesions? J AM Acad Dermatol. 1986:14:555-560.
McCarthy CM, Lamab CC, Russell TJ, et al. Primary care
based dermatology practice: Internists need more
training. J Cen Inter Med. 1991;6:52-56.
Pariser DL, Fox AB. The ability of priomary care
physicains to recognize the common dermatoses. Arch
Dermatol. 1981;117:620-622.
Stern RS, Boudreaux C, Arndt KA. Diagnostic accuracy
and appropriateness of care for seborrheic keratoses: A
pilot study of an approach to quality assurance for
cutaneous surgery. JAMA. 1991;265:74-77.
Wagner RF, Wagner D, Tomich JM. Residents Corner:
Diagnosis of skin disease: Dermatologists vs.
nondermatologists. J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1985;11:476-
Brohm M. Analysis of charges of dermatologists versus
primary care physicians for the most commonly performed
dermatologic procedures. Report to the Blue Ribbon
Committee on Dermatologic Practice and Public Issues of
the American Academy of Dermatology. May 1984.
Clark RA, Rietschel RL. The cost of initiating
appropriate therapy for skin disease: A comparison of
dermatologists and family physicians. J AM Acad
Dermatol. 1989;9:787-796.
Direct patient access to dermatologists in an HMO
practice; an update from the Kaiser-Permanente Medical
Care Program. No author listed. January 15, 1990.
(Unpublished Report)