For ordering tapes, please print form, make your selections, and mail with your payment
to the American Society of Dermatology, 411 Hamilton Blvd., #1006, Peoria, IL 61602.
Please indicate your selections by | |||
Tape $10/each |
Tape $20/each |
Michael Smith, MD |
Diagnosis and Management of Ichthyosiform Disease in Infancy and Childhood |
John A. Marascalco, MD |
My Medicare Carrier Says I Shouldn't Treat That Cancer |
Wolfgang Weyers, MD |
Wolfgang Weyers, MD |
Richard Odom, MD |
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tips for Your Practice |
Fr. Robert A. Sirico |
Ethical Issues in Today's Practice Climate |
Richard Odom, MD, |
Outlook for Our Specialty |
Richard Roeding, RPh |
How Practicing Physicians Can Influence Legislation and the Impact of Third Parties on Prescribing Habits |
Diya Mutasim, MD |
Serologic Footprints of Auto-Immune Disease |
Twila Brase, RN |
Minnesota's Single Payer Experience: It's Effect on Physicians and Impact on Patient Confidentiality |
Edward R. Annis, MD |
The New Credentialing Body and How It Will Affect You |
Balint Vazsonyi, PhD |
Renewal of Medical Professionalism |
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